
Let me take you on a journey into the heart of Classic Chettinaad, a tale that spans generations and flavors. I am Lakshmi Venkatesh, the proud founder of this culinary marvel.

Decades ago, the foundations of Classic Chettinaad were laid within the loving embrace of my family. I come from a lineage of extraordinary chefs—my grandmother and mother. Their culinary skills were awe-inspiring, and they delighted in creating pickles, masalas, and other delicacies for our friends and neighbors whenever they requested. As fate would have it, their talent flowed through my veins, and I inherited their gift for cooking.

Life took me on many adventures, and I found myself traveling the world. During my journeys, I noticed a growing demand for authentic Indian cuisine that was also convenient. This sparked a fire within me, leading to the birth of Ready To Cook - Instant Mixes under the banner of Classic Chettinaad. The response from friends and family was overwhelming, igniting the realization that I was onto something truly special.

But my culinary journey didn't stop there. I poured my heart and knowledge into writing food articles for esteemed Tamil magazines, notably Vikatan. Sharing my passion for cooking and the flavors of Chettinaad became an integral part of my life. It led me to author two cookery books in Tamil—'Neengalum Chef Aagalam' published by Vikatan Publications and 'Chettinaad Unavum Kalachaaramum' under the banner of Classic Chettinaad.

Beyond the realm of cooking, my enthusiasm for Ayurveda and nutrition left an indelible mark on my culinary creations. It became my mission to infuse my dishes with health and wellness. Each recipe I crafted was not merely a feast for the senses but a nourishing experience that embraced the wisdom of Ayurveda.

And so, Classic Chettinaad was born—a brand that encapsulates the culinary expertise of my family, cherished recipes passed down through generations, and a lifetime of experiences gained from my travels and interactions. It stands as a testament to tradition blended with innovation, authenticity coupled with convenience, and flavors intertwined with well-being.

As I embarked on this culinary adventure, I envisioned Classic Chettinaad as a culinary ambassador, carrying the magical tastes of Chettinaad to kitchens worldwide. Join me on this remarkable journey, where traditions flourish, taste buds dance, and the essence of Chettinaad is brought to life in every dish.